This means that <category.name>
resolves to flame
and <category.base.name>
resolves to fire
What about <element.number>
This is one of the predefined values. These predefined values are vales that are only known once an element is ingested, because the values are dependent on the elements data.
If we now ingest a new fire element and there are already 230 fire elements in the database, the element number will increase by +1. Thus the <element.number>
will resolve to 231
So finally: <category.base.name>_<element.number>
resolves to flame_231
Info |
Why should we use the base category? We want our library to be sustainable and be as static as possible for many years. Thats why you should decided to store the elements in the base category folder |
In the settings section: library → transcoding templates
you can overwrite the path patterns and path values.
& values
The server path or the folder where the library data is stored might chance for each library.
Overwriting path pattern and path values is based on the concept that you only need to overwrite values for each library is necessary, hence reducing the complexity and misalignment of the file structure.
This gives you the control to setup a global conditions for all libraries and you only need to change one or two values for each library.
Path values
Path values are used to resolve the values of the path patterns. depending on the element that will be ingested or rendered. The predefined values are depending on the element that will be ingested.
For example the first and last frame.used as placeholders in the path patterns. They are divided into separate predefined groups that are will be commonly used. For each group you can access the sub-keys.
If you want to get the width value of the source element you ingest, you access the group resolution
and the sub-key width
in the path pattern like this: <resolution.width>
. This will resolve to source image width value for you.
Example element
Path of element that we want to ingest:/some/path/to/file.%04.exr
It is a sequence of OpenEXR files that contain an picture of a flame.
The first frame of the sequence is 1001
and last frame is 1042
Each image has a resolution of width 1920
, a height of 1080
and a pixel aspect ration of 1
In the library there are already 22
fire elements.
In this overview you can see how each of the predefined values would be resolved into the actual value:
description | predefined value | example resolves to |
source image width | <resolution.width> | 1920 |
source image height | <resolution.height> | 1080 |
Frame counter for a sequence | frame | # |
Custom values are the values that you can define.
Root /path/to/server