Configure Logical Replication
inistiate initiate 2 new PostgresSQL database clusters
Configure Publisher server with “wal_level=logical“
Start the instance
Create a database and the tables
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# start the database cluster pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/daselement-munich_publication start |
Create default postgres userPostgres User
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# access the database via psql psql --port=5432 postgres # create superuser for IT/admins and pipeline TDs CREATE ROLE postgres LOGIN password 'postgres'; ALTER USER root CREATEDB; ALTER USER root CREATEROLE; ALTER USER root SUPERUSER; # create user that is allowed to create new databases and read/write information CREATE ROLE dbuser LOGIN password 'dbuser'; ALTER USER root CREATEDB; # create replication user that is used by the other facilites CREATE ROLE user_replication WITH REPLICATION LOGIN password 'password'; # exit the database from psql \q |
host = ip-of-publisher-postgres-server (e.g. the munich postgres server)
user = must be a superuser or replication role
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create subscription muc_subscription connection 'dbname=de_munich_vfxelements host= user= |
user_replication port=5433' publication muc_pub; |
Configure Logical Replication
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# create a symbolic link to initdb to access the command sudo ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/pg_ctl /usr/local/bin # now you can run ... pg_ctl |
Unable to connecto to server; FATAL: role “postgres“ does not exist
Seems like there is no user in the database called “postgres”.
To create a user use this command: